KLS Mod Rename Tool V1.0
Type: Others | modding tools
Poster: [kippari2] Site Administrator
Author(s): kippari2
Creation date: (date unknown!)
Posted: 2023-09-02
Download count: 54
Filename: KLS_ModRenameTool.rar
ID: 1619
For those that reupload tons of mods and are tired of adding prefixes ("ls09_filename" or "ls08_filename") by hand.
For anyone else this will be useless. Thanks to Timanttiso for fixing shitty parts of the code. :D
Source code available at: https://github.com/kippari2/LS09/tree/a097fe590245a9f68c4bff5ec9b4c8d0702d9985/KLS%20Mod%20Rename%20Tool%20src
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