Bauern Traum map V2.5
Type: Maps | ...
Poster: [kippari2] Site Administrator
Author(s): MC M@C
Creation date: (date unknown!)
Posted: 2024-08-01
Download count: 73
Filename: LS09 Bauern Traum map 2.5.rar
ID: 1972
Supported custom crops:
-Cows (rind)
Animal care & products
-Beef (rindfleisch)
Field care
-Liquid & solid manure
-Mohn (flower)
Modpack includes:
Utilities (Note! Some of the following mods are inside "Map_Fruits"!)
-waageTrigger (adjusts crop weight to be more realistic when weighing the trailer on a weighing point)
-PDAModV1.1 (adds more statistics to the PDA)
Vehicles & tools
-John Deere FL V6
-Welger P22 baler
-Ballengitterwagen (V2.5, V3.1 & V3.2)
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