GIANTS Editor 4.1.6
Type: Others | modding tools
Poster: [kippari2] Site Administrator
Author(s): Giants software GmbH
Creation date: (date unknown!)
Posted: 2023-06-22
Download count: 151
Filename: GIANTS_Editor_4.1.6_win32 .zip
ID: 1466
4.1.6 (01.04.2010)
- Added depth blend map object mask
- Added render target viewer
- Added export all with copy
- Added terrain layer edit dialog
- Added error message if terrain weightmap could not be found
- Added copy/paste in once (Shift+C/V) functionality
- Added replace dialog short cut
- Added destruction shape damage
- Improved Terrain and Particle Panel
- Changed bit dialog to save the new value automatically
- Fixed on lost focus behavior of attribute panel
- Fixed replace all with destructible assets issue
- Fixed open in text editor issue (editor)
- Fixed editor attribute panel scale
- Fixed particle edit option on change max particle value
- Fixed particle system panel reset button
- Fixed save as menu option
- Fixed new/undo crash bug
- Fixed replace all with destructible assets issue
- Fixed show dynamics issue (view menu)
- Fixed spline edit gizmo issues (size and rotate)
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